Northern California Real Estate
Northwest Sonoma County and Southern Mendocino County
Recreational And Estate Properties
We have been doing this since 1976
Lot A is .63 Acres AP# 072-300-010
Highway 116, Monte Rio, CA 95446
Lot B is 1.32 Acres AP# 072-300-011
18887 Highway 116, Monte Rio, CA 95446
1.95 Acres Total - Both for $159,103
Septic and water are installed.
About fifteen seconds before the Northwoods Golf Course on your right in Monte Rio. It is also 5 minutes from Guerneville, 30 minutes from 101 near Santa Rosa and 15 minutes from the Pacific Ocean at Jenner.
In a park like setting with about 70 medium to large size redwood trees. My first thought was it should be saved as a small park but the government agencies are not interested. It is too small. It you have been to Muir Woods or Armstrong State Park, that is what it is like. It has a lot of clover. Let me know if you find one with 4 leaves.
Probably 90 % is hillside and steep. A fair amount of the level ground is below the circular driveway. You could design a multi-level house that climbs up the hill. The easy way is to build right off the circular drive on the east end of lot B near the big double redwood tree.
Is provided by the Sweetwater Water District. The meter is now hooked up near the property line on the top of Lot A on Old Monte Rio Road. The 1-inch water line is down to the building area. This road is closed to cars above this property. Years ago, this road was the highway and the railroad ran on what is now Highway 116 or River Road. The original need for the train was hauling timber. Then it became a passenger train. Guerneville was originally called Stump Town. The Sweetwater Water District recently upgraded their storage tank on the hill above us to a larger capacity.
Rob Huffman Engineering did the testing and a pressure distribution system is installed with permits for 1 bedroom for the 2 lots. The leach field and the expansion for Lot B is on your left on the lower level as you enter the lot from the West end furthest from the Northwoods Golf Course. A pressure distribution system requires monthly monitoring which is ridiculous. I think there is an annual fee of $600 for the monitoring.
Are all available on site. We requested electricity from PG&E in April of 2024. They have not installed it yet. I have not bugged them as they are obviously having a very difficult and busy year. I think the cost will be around $7,000. When it is installed Pearson Exploration who installed the septic system will come out and do the final hook up.
It appears to be Rural Residential. It seems like it would make a wonderful studio/retail location if you are creating something you could sell here.
There is commercial timber here. Almost enough to justify a timber harvest. You would also create a huge cry from the environmental community. If you wish to build out of redwood you can harvest a little and greatly reduce your lumber cost which is a sizable portion of building. It should run about $.60 a board ft. to create your own lumber. There is a 150 ft. set back allowing removal of trees for a fire break from a house.
About 53 inches of rain per year. There will be some fog coming up from the ocean in the summer. Generally typical Sonoma County, nice.
PG&E owns the property on the Guerneville (East) side of the property. They also have an easement for the line that runs overhead on the same side. I tried to buy the PG&E parcel but they will not sell. They do make a nice neighbor that is effectively a green belt. The property on the golf course side and the PG&E ground do not appear to be possible to be built on. Obviously, the other side of the road is effectively the river. It is owned by the government. You would own up to the upper road which is closed so there are no neighbors
I am the owner. There is nothing on the market that I would build on in this price range. There is one for sale close by but the county says it cannot be built on. We did seriously think about building our retirement home here. I think the price is realistic and have I looked at more country property than anyone. The property is free and clear. If you have good credit I could carry some paper.
It might be possible to create a conservation easement on the 90% you just look at. It could have tax benefits to you. On the other hand, the largest conservation organization in the county can be very intrusive.
A map is an interpretation of a survey. A written survey takes precedence over a map. The survey work that was done in this area was from about one hundred years ago. It may be that the driveway on both sides is slightly off the property. That driveway has provided an access to this property for almost 100 years. It was actually owned by Sonoma County until recently. We acquired title to it. I would suggest widening it from the golf course end. It will involve taking out some redwood trees which I would turn into lumber. I am using local things to reference directions because it is hard to keep north and south straight due to the road curving around the river.
Noise from traffic. This is probably more of a thing for me but I am used to living in the middle of several hundred Ac. It will be beautiful in the summer but damp in the winter. You may need an architect to design the house to make it work right. The county file is under 1887.
Exit off 101 on River Road. It becomes Highway 116. Past Guerneville, 5 minutes watch for my sign and street # on your right. If you come to Northwoods Golf Course on your left, you just missed it. Bring your lunch and enjoy yourself.
The information we have gathered we believe is correct. We try hard but we are not perfect. Please consult with everyone you can think of.
Joe White -
PO Box 168 -
Paynes Creek, CA 96075
Tel: (707) 431-2151 -
DRE# 00254845
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