
Northern California Real Estate
Northwest Sonoma County and Southern Mendocino County
Recreational And Estate Properties
We have been doing this since 1976
Joe's Corner
Now it's the Boy Scouts whose upper echelon has been protecting their jobs rather than the boys. Their award for a troop leader that they like is the "Silver Beaver".
Joe White
January 16, 2013
The worst hit area is Sonoma County has to be bare lots in the Sea Ranch. Down 2/3 to 75%. The rest of the county seems to be picking up.
Joe White
January 16, 2013
Fresh crab is back and the shells will stink to high heaven when you are done, if you have a fireplace or wood stove burn the shells. It will not create any odor as they burn.
Joe White
January 16, 2013
Ever wonder how our town locations came about? Water would have been critical. Could the second one be they were a half day horseback ride?
Joe White
January 16, 2013
My wife is a hell of a cook , I am not, however try you microwave on your artichokes after you cover them for about 7 minutes. Pistachios can be stubborn. Try using the shell of one you opened to pry in the crack that will not yield to your fingernail. Crab shells will burn with no odor.
Joe White
July 17, 2012
Every office knows who sold what for last year, but they do not announce the great winners until about march because they think that no one is looking this time of year. They do not realize that those that are looking from November through the winter are the really serious buyers.
Joe White
July 17, 2012
Most of what I watch on TV is recorded. Watching something from last year makes me realize how nice it is to not have to see Meg Whitman's bad hair day any more.
Joe White
July 17, 2012
- Publishing awards for the top producers seems to be a process where everyone gets some award. "For example "Rising Star" I have assumed those at the top of the page are the best/highest or brought in the most something. How about we all go to the same as the Olympics.
I hereby appoint Len as the Gold Medalist for being the nicest guy. Len would elect me the Gold Medalist Most cynical?
- Seeing an ad which says price reduced 50% stricks me as shouting to the world you have screwed up and are somewhat incompetent.
- Agents will change addresses or acreage to make a listing look new and fool the MLS date counter. If you know the inventory it doesn't work. A price slowly spiraling down indicated an agent who is not good at setting values or difficult seller.
- If you find a perfect property let me know. It is just as likely as finding one car that fits everyone's needs.
Joe White
January 21, 2002
What is the difference between a teacher and a salesperson? None if both are competent.
They are both there to help you make intelligent decisions.
Joe White
July 2, 2002
If you can't be a good example, at least be a horrible warning!
Joe White
March 27, 2002
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence
Joe White
January 21, 2002
More things you never learned in high school
- US real estate is worth 2-3 times all listed stocks. It has had only one downturn in 67 years.
- An estimated 5,000 people get to work in New York City everyday on skates.
- A third of the recent college graduates hold jobs that don't require college degrees.
- Odds are when you order doughnuts, if ever, they'll be the glazed variety. Almost 2 out of 3 sold are.
Joe White
January 21, 2002
More things you'll need to know after high school
- Nobody can make you happy. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
- Live by what you trust.
- Character counts. Family matters.
- There's no much bad in the best of us and so much good in
the worst of us that it doesn't behoove any of us to talk about
the rest of us.
- Eating out with small children isn't worth it, even if someone else is buying.
Joe White
November 14, 2001
Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.
Joe White
November 14, 2001
Advertising is an interesting proposition. It is very hard to tell which of the money you throw sticks.
Joe White
October 1, 2001
We are visitors on earth. We are not permanent fixtures. While we are here, we should have a good time.
Joe White
September 15, 2001
I just read an ad for a property that I have seen. It speaks in the following terms, “Heart of Wine Country, room for projects, garden, RV. Great trees, lots of light! 5 yr. Roof, new gutters.” Sounds nice doesn’t it? Unfortunately it isn’t. There are numerous physical problems plus a tremendous amount of noise from the 2 roads it sits between. It is a shame we have to go there to find this out.
Joe White
July 6, 2001
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