Joe White - Real Estate Broker

November 1, 2002

Country Properties Recap

Dear Web Site Visitor:
On September 30, 2002, a letter was sent to me by BAREIS/MLS telling me I could not publish this report. I had felt the report I created here was a property evaluation. They felt it was an advertisement for the 200 properties I have seen and am tracking. The MLS by-laws expressly prohibit advertising another agent's listings on the internet without written permission from the listing agent. There is not a prayer of getting permission since many times it is a negative report. I have had other agents take my entire listing brochure from my site and put it up on their web site as if it was their work, so I can see their logic.

The problem came about because an agent was unhappy when I said in this report that I thought his listing was worth about 2/3 of his asking price. It also said it had been on the market for 2 1/2 years. He complained, and so what you see here is the format.

If you are seriously looking, contact me and I can mail the report to you.

This an example of what the report looks like.
See the table below.

This is a recap of virtually everything country in northwestern Sonoma County and southern Mendocino. Most are not my listings. I am very familiar with this area and have seen all of these. We have been involved with over 60% of the sales in northern Sonoma County of properties over 100 acres, by representing the buyer, seller or both. We live at 5 A on 305 acres, adjacent to Lake Sonoma.

Some agents negotiate commissions that are as much as 60% under what others feel is realistic to do the job and continue in business. Unfortunately, the same quality of work still must be provided to the Buyers. Compounding the problem is the listing agent is often inexperienced in country problems and also sometimes has an attitude that since they are taking a reduced commission, they should do less work. Houses are commonly 6%, land is 10% and if a property is land heavy, it can be a blend of the 2 or 8%. Commissions are split 50/50 between listing and selling agents. Properties with an * in the last column are offered at a reduced commission. This can work to your advantage as most agents will avoid them. If that property interests you, we will talk about how you can help make it a fair transaction to us.

The code is very simple: the first column is the map code for the general area. I am adding the specific Thomas Bros. Map page as I update it. Having a Napa/Sonoma County Thomas Bros. Street Guide is very helpful. W = well, S = spring, C = creek, 0 = ok, - = negative or overpriced, + = good, (more than one + or - means better or worse). Distance is hr. and min. to Healdsburg or Hwy 101. Under “asking price”, is structure, if there is any. Electricity = E, Percolation = P. Wildlife is deer, pigs, quail and turkeys. Under “value”, -350 means I think it is worth $350,000 even if the asking price is $485,000.

    POT.       CAP A & G        
1 C $147,649 38 S-P ---- Res. ok G 25m #6 Hwy 128, Yorkville 1hr. Clov. + + 4/00
5 A $1,518,374 305 SES ++++ + + A 12805 Old Skaggs Springs 37 min. ok + 8/02
  2 res 10VP           101/HB    
  2 barns                  
421 A2 $523,847 18.38 WEP ---- ++ + 18690 Fitzpatrick Lane 8min. + + 8/02
    10VP         Occidental Occ.    
421 A2 $1,126,473 20.47 WES ---- ++ + 18700 Fitzpatrick Lane 8min. + + 8/02
  2735' 4/2 10VP         Occidental Occ.    

* Some agents negotiate commissions that are as much as 60% under what others feel is realistic to do the job and continue in business. Unfortunately, the same quality of work still must be provided to the Buyers. Our compensation is typically 1/2 of the commission the listing agent has agreed to. In these cases, we need to talk about what is fair to you and to us.

Copyright © 2002 Joe White Real Estate Broker All Rights Reserved.